Hi there! If you have stumbled on my page, I just wanted to say hey, thanks for taking the time. If you are thinking about starting therapy, with me or with any therapist, one of the first challenges can be to reach out. Even being in the therapist role, I get that. When most people reach out and take that step, it is typically when they are going through some type of personal life adjustment or having a panic moment, or even when they are thinking about getting started with preventative therapy care. Whatever the reason may be, it’s a good and valid one. Many people often feel uncertain or nervous reaching out for the first time, but I’m here to tell you that every single person on this planet could benefit from therapy support (In my ultra-biased opinion, of course). As I have mentioned in previous blogs, reach out, and set up multiple phone consults with different therapists to see who may be a good fit, and now in the “summer slow down” (see below blog) is the best time to find someone. Therapy can be a great process to take part in, you just have to reach out and schedule an appointment. You can do it! :)